The Sabai Difference: Engaged, Empowering and Efficient Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Review

From the CRO perspective, navigating the IBC process for the first time can feel daunting. And even experienced personnel will sometimes shudder at past IBC experiences. Biosafety review is a complicated process, often poorly explained. Prevalent pain points range from changing guidance and regulations to complex documentation needs to unreliable timelines and delayed study startup.

Perhaps, like many of our clients, you’ve found yourself in a difficult position:

  • Funneling complex and highly technical questions to your sponsor
  • Tracking down personnel on the sponsor side capable of answering such questions
  • Trying to work with convoluted, incomplete, or even inaccurate communication
  • Misspent time and resource burden impacting you, your sponsor and your sites

Sound familiar?

What’s needed most at the IBC submission stage is peace of mind—the calm confidence that difficult questions will be quickly met with accurate, up-to-date, well-articulated information.

That peace of mind is “Sabai.”  

Working with Sabai feels drastically different than the typical IBC experience.

In fact, IBC review can be empowering, engaging, and even downright pleasant. Our clients recommend us to their peers because of our accessibility and responsiveness.

We are “people-first,” and we live out that core value in day-to-day processes like our response times. When you email us looking for background information or a technical explanation, we respond to you in less than 24 hours. We’ll even offer to set up an impromptu call to walk you through our answer. That means you can get back to the sponsor quickly, confidently and fully equipped with the right information.

Sabai: Superior IBC Partnership

Maybe you want a centralized IBC solution for your organization, or perhaps you need to form an HGT-specific IBC within your facility. Across the full range of our IBC services you’ll find the same consistency:

  • A clearly structured and transparent approach to the IBC submission process
  • Real-time support on every IBC application
  • More credentialed experts than any other organization across the globe
  • Reliable provision of informed, accurate, impactful guidance
  • Distillation (not dilution) of complex study protocol information to:
    • Identify what questions the IBC will need answered
    • Consolidate information into clear and specific responses for the sponsor to provide 
  • Clear and detailed explanations to empower your team with the information you need
  • Weekly updates to inform both your sponsor and your internal team 

Each element of our approach—swift response times, engaged attentiveness and genuine partnership—is aimed towards facilitating trial startup: moving effective treatments closer to the very real people they can help.

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Review from Sabai

Our IBC service offerings include:

  • Comprehensive support for IBC setup, NIH registration and administration 
  • Personalized education on IBCs and NIH requirements from the Sabai team
  • Support and resources for existing IBC via staffing, a second HGT-specific IBC and other institution-specific needs
  • Time-sensitive IBC and Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews for all participating sites
  • Global support

And our capabilities go far beyond IBC:

We believe in working partnerships that help our clients learn to build submissions effectively.

Ready for an engaged, empowering and efficient IBC submission process?

You’re ready to experience Sabai.